About your session

All sessions are an hour (unless reserved otherwise) and include a cd of 10-25 edited high resolution pictures and printing permission.

I have several packages available. Contact me for more infomation.

Contact Info

email: jernigan03@gmail.com

phone: 719-210-6707

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mother and Daughter

I met Candace shortly after coming to Okinawa. She had a heart of gold and is just so sweet! I am so blessed to know her! Her daughter, Leah, is just scrumptious...the sweetest little thing! Thank you both for a fun day! :)

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Elespuru Family

What a great afternoon with this family! I love seeing the love between a husband and wife and how it overflows to their kids! Travis is just too sweet and too cute! Thank you Nick and Christina for a great time! :)

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